11 Tips To Write A Capstone Project

HelpWithAssignment Help
3 min readDec 8, 2020


The capstone project is a two-semester process in which students pursue independent research on a topic of their interest in which they have some competence based on their academic work, professional experience, or exploration of future career options. Capstone projects are generally designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency or goal setting.

General challenges of completing a capstone project

Ø It needs a great deal of student time and commitment

Ø Students need to negotiate specific assessment tasks and criteria individually

Ø Develop strategies for appropriate and equitable assessment

Ø Research will be done independently on their own

So, here are 11 tips on how to write and produce a well-researched and analyzed capstone project

Tips to write a capstone project

1. Think back to your freshman year and list all the papers and essays you wrote. Make a list of some good topics and keep them ready. Choose a topic for your capstone project and get it approved by the instructor.

2. Pick a subject which is broad enough to provide you with plenty of material, but narrow enough that you can explain it thoroughly.

3. As the capstone project is similar to the research paper, collect as much as possible up-to-date references in the form of books, articles, journals, websites, and other scholarly material. At times, these materials come in handy.

4. Make time for the necessary readings which cover familiar ground and some references. Reading will give a clear idea of the topic and will help to conduct research with a systematic approach.

5. Takes notes and start drafting your capstone project using revised material.

6. A capstone project is like a thesis. It is the last task carried out by the student which shows examiners the work they are capable of and demonstrates what they have learned. So, always try to represent your topic with logic and reasoning.

7. Include table of contents, abstract, list of references, and cover sheet.

8. Use a software program to organize your references. Also, use paper folders to keep your notes in one place and word-processing folders for your written work.

9. Use the correct referencing style — MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian, Harvard or Oxford.

10. Keep track of all the changes made and corrections. Maintaining a diary for the capstone project will lead to no confusion.

11. Proofread your paper for errors in grammar and spelling. It’s a good idea to have another person review your paper as well as a second eye and objective opinion can be beneficial. Catch the things which you might miss.

Common mistakes to avoid

Ø Rushing the work or skipping some research and writing into a short period

Ø Repetitive work — Don’t cut and paste content from your previous papers.

Ø Lack of focus.-Focus on main elements learned during the course.

Ø Data gathering — not gathering data in a systematic manner will be chaotic and jumbled.

Ø Lack of analysis– interpret and analyse the topic by applying critical thinking.

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