9 Unbelievable Math Tricks that can help you Ace your Math Homework

HelpWithAssignment Help
5 min readAug 9, 2021


“Practice makes a man perfect”. This proverb is best apt for Math subject. The more you practice, the more you become familiar with the concepts. This practice will be helpful in writing your math homework. If you want to develop an understanding of a concept, then you organize the information into classes and sub-classes in your head. You can apply the same trick for maths. Maths is a subject which is very easy to understand when the professor is teaching. The moment you try on your own to solve a problem, it get very difficult.

If you are a college student and want to learn more tricks in solving math problems and math homework, here are 7 math tricks to ace in your math homework.

Make photocopies of textbook problems:

Most of the math books give you only sample problems to solve, but often they don’t give you more similar problems that help you understand the process. To understand the process better, take photocopy or scan a page with good samples and re-work the problems several times. If you solve the same problems multiple times, you’ll understand the processes better.

Record lectures:

If your teacher allows, record the class. Often times you miss small steps in your notes or you don’t quite pick up on an explanation the teacher gives. A recording will pick up everything. Some students have a great deal of learning through audio. For such type of students recording the class will benefit a lot. Recording lectures is not at all a big deal now a days. Lot of gadgets are available at very less price. If you don’t want spend money on gadgets, you can record with your mobile phone too. Record it and when you go home, play it back. That will be like a learning and revision at the same time.

Buy used textbooks:

Sometimes it is difficult to understand the concepts because they are not explained in a plain way. So, it’s good to have an alternate text which gives alternate explanations and additional sample problems to work out. You can find many used bookstores that have inexpensive texts. Also, ask your professor to suggest some books that have alternate ways to solve a problem. Practicing these methods will help you to learn the concept and also help you to solve problems faster.

Read actively:

Make use of sticky note flags to mark important things in the chapter. If you are solving a sample problem that you’ve worked out and want to solve similar problems for additional practice, mark it with a flag and ask the teacher in the class.

Make flashcards for terms:

Flashcards is the best idea for visual and tactile learners. They help you to reinforce information as you see it and as you create it with your own hand.

Take breaks:

Sometimes it will be hard to understand a problem. Even if you read it over a few times and try, you can’t get hold of it. In such cases, take a break and do some other small task. This will help your brain to work on the problem subconsciously.

Know the standard methods:

Knowing the main methods of proof and when they should be used will be greatly speed up your proof generating during the test. To identify the standard methods, refer to the example proofs where they are used over and over again. Keep in mind that every field of mathematics has these standard methods.

Is it logical?

Just solving a problem is not enough. Give it a logic test and find out whether it is right or wrong. We all know that Math is all about applying logic and making the accurate calculations. So whatever the problem is, always give it a logic test.

Use your intuition:

You generally get this by doing the things mentioned above. You should be able to look at a proposition and have a good feel whether it’s true or not without working on it yet.

If you are a college student and even after following the above steps find it difficult to solve your math homework, take assistance of an expert to solve your math homework.

Helpwithassignment.com assists students to solve their math homework in a simple way and also helps them to understand the concepts. The experts at Helpwithassignment.com are highly qualified and have years of experience in solving math assignments and math homework. They deliver the assignments on-time without any plagiarism.

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24x7 Live Chat: As our customer help desk executives are available round the clock, you can know the status of your ongoing Mathhomework at any time. Just send us a message; status will be updated right away.



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